访客实时监控是 在线客服系统 在线客服 Live chat系统中一个非常强大和有用的组成部分。监控结果能帮助您收集客户通常需求等详细信息。使用我们的在线客服 Live chat监控子系统改进您的营销战略,提高销售额,不放过任何一个机会。
There are many ways you can use the information about your website visitors to offer better service to them, but we'll just give you a few ideas:
Real time visitor tracking feature is enabled for your account by default if you use our Recommended Fully Featured Chat Button Code or any other of our script codes. All script codes support website monitoring.
If you don't need this feature, you can use just a direct link to your messenger to allow customers to connect with you. In this case, you will see no visitor details in your agent app.